About Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the principle of Similia similibus curentur (like cures like) , introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1976. According to the law, the substance that can produce a symptom of disease in a healthy person, is able to cure a similar symptom in a sick individual. It is recognized by the world health organization (WHO) as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world.

Homoeopathy treats each person as a unique individual, considering all your symptoms at the level of your being, like mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and selecting the most appropriate remedy suiting your constitution , so that it will stimulate the body's own healing ability, the internal curative process and allows the immune system to arouse and fight against disease in a gentle , speedy, permanent way and bring back you to health and well being.

The purpose of homoeopathy is the restoration of body to homeostasis or a healthy balanced state. Conventional medical treatment today tends to focus on the goal of treating by controlling the symptoms, but homoeopathy focuses on augmenting the person's own inherent defence.

It is now recognized that homoeopathic remedy can affect gene expression. Hereditary and genetic disorders, especially in children during intra uterine life can be treated and corrected with the aid of this wonderful system of medicine.

Homoeopathic medicine does not simply stimulate the body's immune system to treat ill people, but can also calm it when it is necessary for the healing of an individual. People with autoimmune ailments suffer because their body's immune system is over active, and it attacks the body's healthy cells. Homoeopathic medicine gives considerably more relief to such diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosis, hashimoto thyroiditis etc.

In brief, Homoeopathy can treat wide ranges of diseases including acute, chronic , infectious and in some cases even those diseases where surgery is advised. All diseases without irreversible pathological changes can be successfully and safely treated by Homoeopathy. Cases with advanced tissue changes can obtain palliation and temporary relief through this system of treatment.